Sunday, February 13, 2011

Pointed Down Nose In Ultrasound


..liegen hinter mir. Am Donnerstag mußte ich mich, nach fast 18 glücklichen Jahren, von meinem Kater PUCK trennen. Für mich ein Verlust der absolut schmerzlichen Art.

Schmerzlich waren auch meine Erfahrungen mit einem nicht funktionierenden Dosenöffner. Ich meinte der Sache Herr zu werden und landete darauf hin in der Chirurgischen Unfallambulanz die mir dann meine linke Hand wieder zusammen flickte.
Übermorgen werden die letzten Fäden gezogen, ein Teil davon hat sich schon im Laufe der Woche verabschiedet. Die the first day I could not do anything, and spent my time with crossword puzzles and such strange things. Images I will spare you, my daughter thought it looked terrible.
Since Thursday I have developed a technique, how can I keep the hoop and now I've actually set it for an hour at the sewing machine and indulged my hobby. So here my first part-crystal of Ula Lenz

And 2 of my projects I have completed. First, the cup sampler

The finished embroidery is 38 x 38 cm.
And then my Quaker-Star, this is 54 x 54 cm:

Now I do not really know what to do now. I can not quilt so quickly, I have a body directly under the left ring finger, where it has caught me at worst. Since it looks not quite as rosy and that's where I have so watch out. My tank top I can not knit finished. I really believe that I set myself short term project needs a stick, until the hand healed really well. Then I'm going to go a round of digging.

I wish you all a beautiful and peaceful week. Your


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