Sunday, February 27, 2011

Best Color Schemes With Shaker Style Cabinets

mini album workshop

Ich stelle Euch mein allererstes Mini-Album vor. Leider bin ich bisher kein wirklicher Scrapbooker und habe noch jede Menge Erfahrungen zu sammeln auf dem Gebiet. Besonders gut gefallen mir Mini-Alben und alle gesonderen kleinen Komplettwerke.

Jetzt habe ich mich doch mal dran getraut und ein Mini-Album gefertigt nach einer Idee, die ich mehrfach im Internet gesehen habe und deren kostenlose Anleitung mir geholfen hat ein wirklich schönes Grundgerüst zu gestalten. Es ist noch nicht fertig und ich möchte in der nächsten Zeit auch noch ein paar weitere in verschiedenen Größen erstellen.

Das geschlossene Album

Leicht geöffnet kann man schon erkennen wie es hergestellt wurde
very open.
There is still the inner life with photos, text and a few embelishments. If you like, you can have it open, then you should bind the belts again as a loop, or you can take it well when closed. I have used

basic carton Whisper (Nr.106549 / S 85) and the designer paper is Rosenrot super from the beautiful, 40 sheets thick, pastel-colored, patterned designer paper pad (No. 117 152 / p.91) . is wiped with savannah (Nr.121030 / p. 85). On my

Workshop on 12 March, I see how it works and all participants may have a local handiwork. So who has the interest, reports on the top as quickly as possible to contribute to the workshop to me. For more information and dates can be found under the tab DATES top of this page.

Grey Goose Vodka Wholesale Prices

Quaker Star verarbeitet

Now I processed one of my finished projects. The cup sampler and the STS are nothing in the frame. The Quaker I have integrated into a tablecloth. The browns and reds I have indeed chosen by the color of my walls. And so the final version looks now from:

I have deliberately not bought any new materials and many different materials used for this purpose to my existence is not conceivable to minimize in any way. At the pace I will take years for it. Buying went any faster :-). The tablecloth is 90 x 90 cm, machine-pieced and hand quilted.

I wish you a nice week

Your Heike

Friday, February 25, 2011

Complimetary Paint Colors


Last Tuesday I had with me a great workshop with lots of creative ladies. We have crafted two so-called Make & Takes, and as always had lots of fun. But see for yourself:

My sample card for the 1st Make & Take of the evening. The idea came from Tami, the beautiful things created (Thanks Tami for the inspirations)
Opened! Images were taken with the stamp set Timeless (Nr.118884 / p.62) in connection with the colors chili, olive green in color and violets. In the middle of the big flower one of the fantastically beautiful pearls "Basic Bead" (Nr.119247 / p.99) is stuck.

This great variety of different, unique works have been made on the evening of my client.
The second was a Make & Take Magic Card. There are many free guides to the Internet, and Tami also has a beautiful version on her blog. This is my spring-like version.

She looks when you start the inner life and pull out the magic unfolds: simple) A black stamp is a beautiful and colorful motif.

And these are the works of my customers. I'm honestly excited about the color of the designs. We have worked with the popping Pastels technique (VersaMark and pastels). A dream!

Here's a quick look at my Table before the workshop participants came. was

This welcome Present it to me. It is a heart bag, which was inspired by a simple instruction guide on Monica Gale's blog and filled with delicious cherry candy.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Open Sores On Cat's Head

The Stampin '! Principle - in words and pictures

Today I show you something I recently tinkered to the principle of Stampin '!

inspire create

share in my "craft" life and visually again give expression. The beautiful piece hangs on my front door (from inside), and thus constantly reminds me of the motto of Stampin!, Who also is close to my heart

to do what we love,
to share what we love
and thus to help others through their own
creativity to achieve success ....
result, we distinguish ourselves.

the flowers I've made from stamped parts (on the petals is "dew" with Crystal Effects (Nr.101055 / p.100) spotted) and only products from Stampin! used.

The individual panels are 10 x 20 cm, just once show the relative sizes.

My Spinning Bike Is Squeaking?

case of "stamping with Steffi at home ...

Since I control my life craft, through my profession as an occupational therapist, almost all serial techniques and much material possession, and since a good 16 years now die, I've set up some years ago a real work and craft room, which I am very proud. It is my sanctuary and the room of my apartment, where I am staying is the single biggest and best:)

Here's a little insight into just one corner.

retention of some tools on my side of the cabinet, small SU design pads, glitter, embossing powder, etc. in cans, old SU ink pad colors, cans with sponge for wiping in color families stored

all my Stampin '! Markers (old and new)

The self-made pens from beverage storage bags:)

My current Stampin! By color stamp pad sortiert

Meine Art Glitzer, Embossingpulver etc. aufzubewahren.

Gläser mit Knöpfen, jede Menge Stift, Pinsel etc.

Mein Fach mit Klebeutensilien, Stampin'Nebel (Stempelreiniger), angemischte Glanzfarben zum aufsprühen, Papierablage von verschiedenen Resten (farbig sortiert), in dem Holzkasten sind meine SU Bänder

Friday, February 18, 2011

Why Does Andy Six Have The Number

Back to normal ... Like so many

Mir geht es wieder besser und außer einem letzten Reizhusten bin ich auch wieder ziemlich fit.

In den nächsten Tagen zeige ich endlich wieder ein paar selbstgebastelte Werke und ich freue mich schon super auf den Workshop bei einer lieben Kundin am Montag und einen Workshop am Dienstag Abend bei mir. Basteln ist Balsam für meine Seele und hilft gesund zu werden :)

Heute will ich schnell mal ein Video posten. Shelli Gardner (Mitbegründerin und CEO von Stampin'Up!) erzählt was Stampin'Up! ausmacht und wie die tollen Produkte unsere Kreativität beflügeln.

Does Implantation Bleed Have Tissues?

carnival outfit of the day 190 211

only 2 days left until i am in london. i can't wait. ive never been there before and now
 i am so excited how it gonna be.

nur noch 2 tage bis ich endlich in london bin. ich kann es kaum noch erwarten immerhin
träume ich schon seit mehreren jahren davon endlich einmal nach london zu kommen aber
durch zufall hat es einfach nie geklappt. endlich mal ein kleiner tapetenwechsel und ein wenig
abwechslung zum lernen. ich freue mich schon rießig. ich bin schon gespannt ob ich viel von
der fashion week mitbekommen, die ja von 18.2.-23.2. stattfindet. leider hab ich nicht die
möglichkeit eine show zu besuchen aber ich freu mich auch schon wenn ich ein paar
stilvolle menschen sehen. das einzig nervige am verreisen steht mir noch bevor: das packen.
ich seh schon, dass ich wieder irgendetwas wichtiges vergesse. habt ihr irgendwelche tipps,
was ich für london unbedingt einpacken muss? welche klamotten soll ich einpacken?
ja ich weiß ich bin nur 5 tage dort aber 5 tage mit dem falschen gepäck sind nicht so toll
wie 5 tage mit dem richtigen gepäck. (: 

ich freue mich nach wie vor über tipps.


Sample Sbi Power Of Attorney

London Fashion Week AW11: Day 1 of the day outfit

today the london fashion week has started and this video shows the higlights of day
 number 1. i love the guys outfit you can see first in the video. also the cloths of the
first show are beautiful - i really love combinations with red.
heute hat die londoner fashion week begonnen und in diesem kurzen video sind ein
few impressions of the first day together. Unfortunately the video is not mine
but from the . I find the outfit of the young man
at the very beginning so very stylish but also the collection with the strong red
influential towards the end of the videos I really like. I love red clothes.


Thursday, February 17, 2011

Lost My Casehard Combination

Meine neue Projekte....

... for 2011 see here. First, a new project of Stick Lounge, courtesy of Angie Designer, 185 x 237 stitches called

Purple Garden

And a little bit bolder I'm here now. My first block of the Applikationsbom by Erin Russek My tweets ". I applied all the parts by hand, but not with the Needleturn method that is simply not accurate enough to me and I will have it perfect. In recent days I have as a special Technik zugelegt und getüftelt. Im Grunde eine Mischung aus dem ist, was Erin in ihrem Blog zeigt und dem herkömmlichen Applizieren. Kleben will ich den Stoff nicht, dass verstößt irgendwie gegen meine Grundsätze. Ich bin gerade dabei es für euch zu dokumentieren und werde euch den Bericht demnächst hier veröffentlichen. Und hier ist mein erster Block:

Ich bin mit dem Ergebnis soweit ganz zufrieden und werde mich nun über mein Mittelteil hermachen. Die Anleitung dafür ist nämlich vorgestern hier gelandet :-)
Soviel über meine neuen Projekte. Ein Projekt fehlt jetzt noch und über dessen Start freue ich mich besonders. Mehr verrate ich noch nicht, laßt euch einfach überraschen.

Ich wünsche euch allen einen guten Start ins Wochenende

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Wordlock List Of Words


hello, dear readers,

was finally note circuit and I have thus for two weeks again for a little time
my blog. the senior class is really exhausting. but now I can relax times two weeks
. especially on next week I am animal: there goes from
after LONDON! you may have a few tips that I absolutely must see or
shop where I absolutely must ,...? (:

my last weekend was quite eventful on thursday I was at your concert
youth and a great warning, on Friday again found the event I
. place and two friends and she was again a resounding success and on saturday I
to the music of the 80s dance. was really amusing.

well, I go read it once (you have to know, I have my days in the last 4 8 books
bought - is to blame for selling out ^ ^)
during the next week i am in london and i cannot wait. ive never been there before
and im so excited to come there. do you know any places i have to visit or any shops?
during i am in london so hope de london fashion week takes part and the nme awards i
that I'll see many stylish people. ahh im so excited (:


Sunday, February 13, 2011

5 Month Old Baby Cough And Breathing Heavy

bangs yes or no?

hello dear,

I need your help: and think about while I again can be cut bangs
but I'm not sure.

think what you? should I leave my hair the way they are now, so bangs without
should or should I cut my bangs again?
should i cut bangs, yes or no?
