a few days ago I received this sweet parcel of my name chain . com.
was in the parcel, this beautiful name chain.
it really handled well and very comfortable to wear. similar to the lettering
if I am not mistaken the cola lettering and is in my opinion very
matches my name. (:
I wear the chain I get since they have almost every day and I am very satisfied
it is simply a head-turner but it fits and thereby (. almost)
any outfit.
it is simply a head-turner but it fits and thereby (. almost)
any outfit.
the delivery went very quickly, even if I had to wait a couple of days.
under meinenamenskette.com there are many more models. very nice find
I models, which have integrated a swarovski stone. if you order in
meinenamenskette.com a name-chain, you choose from the first model the desired
, then your desired name and finally the length of the chain.
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Finally, I would like to have at meinenamenskette.com bedanken.
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